Rachel Schnalzer, Los Angeles Times Published 8:42 p.m. ET Oct. 11, 2020 Chances are, you’ve had to cancel vacation plans in the last five months. You probably felt bummed about it _ and guilty for mourning lost trips while the COVID-19 pandemic has caused others to lose much more. It […]

These days, your energy is spread pretty thin. Between social distancing, sanitizing your groceries, supporting local businesses, showing up to protests, emailing politicians, signing petitions, and donating to campaigns, it’s likely your days are busier than ever. You’ve got an ever-expanding laundry list of “shoulds” to tackle. And in the […]

Now that winter is making days shorter, colder and darker, it’s more important than ever to make self-care part of your regular routine. And I’m not talking about the Instagram #selfcare that requires fancy bath bombs or expensive lotions. I’m talking about 21 easy ways you can get cozy and relaxed this […]

cute-red-and-white-corgi-lays-on-the-bed-relaxed-from-spa-procedures-picture-id1193591572 The thought of Election Day (or perhaps Election Week or Month as it?s unknown when the final results will be in) is an anxiety-inducing one for many. So far, 2020 has been an emotionally fraught year between a global pandemic and social justice issues bubbling to a head ? […]