The Conversation Texas distorts its past – and Sam Houston’s legacy – to defend Confederate monuments Huntsville reveres hometown hero Sam Houston. And he did not revere the Confederacy. Jimmy Henderson/flickr, CC BY-SAAt least 160 Confederate symbols were removed from public spaces across the United States in 2020, according to […]

Nintendo decided to highlight Wario’s fashion choices in Mario Golf: Super Rush. The company had their huge Nintendo Direct yesterday, which revealed the new entry in their sports series. Fans seemed pleased with the development, but a lot of them were more concerned with Wario and Bowser’s athletic wear. Seeing […]

First thing’s first: you might need to reconfigure what you think this upcoming package of Mario gaming on Switch is. When it was first announced, it felt like the archetypal re-release – a shiny port of an underplayed Wii U game to entice those who missed it first time round, […]

Artwork courtesy of Nintendo As the biggest gaming franchise of all time, it’s unsurprising that the Mario name has sparked several offshoots, be it kart racing, golfing or board games. The majority have been good, often definitive of their respective consoles’ libraries, while others have been so shockingly egregious that […]