Photograph: Diephosi/Getty Images If it feels as if every company you have contacted in recent months has done everything it could not to talk to you, that may be right. Airlines, holiday firms, online retailers – and even the big supermarkets – have all been accused of removing customer “contact […]

Podcasts are a great way to keep everyone happy and distracted during loooong months of quarantining. We asked Maggie McGuire, chief executive officer of Pinna, an audio streaming service for children, for the best kids’ podcast recommendations. Here are her top picks, both from her own company and elsewhere: 1. […]

ThreeD radio, a 41-year-old station in Adelaide, Australia, includes aboriginal music in its regular playlists. “Their music is exceptionally soulful, and often talks about the struggles that the Aboriginals have faced,” said William Taylor, a career development manager at VelvetJobs an outplacement company. His favorite musicians: Ziggy, Thelma Plum, Zaine […]