Dear Annie: My stepmother is the epitome of a wicked stepmother. My sister and I are grown and have our own lives and families. Our father married “Mary.” We believe it was out of loneliness. She is 15 years younger than him and has a drinking problem. She says the […]

Dear Annie: There are three sisters in my family. Two of us are childless. Our other sister now has seven grandchildren. Every Christmas and birthday, my other childless sister and I send a check to each grandniece and grandnephew. We never expect any gifts in return, but it would be […]

Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by marchmeena29/iStock/Getty Images Plus. Dear Prudence is online weekly to chat live with readers. Here’s an edited transcript of this week’s chat. Danny Lavery: Right time, right place, right wrongs, let’s chat. Q. My husband’s “Likes”: We have close family friends with a beautiful and […]