Logan and Jake Paul moved to Los Angeles in 2014, at the height of Vine’s heyday, and not long after found themselves crammed into an apartment at 1600 Vine Road with other young creators hoping to make it big in America’s entertainment epicenter. Over the next few years, they became […]

As memes of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders wearing hand-crafted mittens at Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration plastered the Internet in early 2021, rumors surfaced alleging that the creator of the mittens had stopped selling recycled wool products because of high federal taxes. Snopes received numerous inquiries to investigate the validity of […]

Recently returned to Adult Swim, the Afro-retro-futurist-absurdist “Lazor Wulf” was one my favorite shows of 2019, and it shows no signs of being less so in its second season. Arriving as if fully formed from the collective head of creator Henry Bonsu and his writers, animators and voice artists, it […]