When you are switching jobs, you may be looking for more money, a step up the career ladder, a flexible lifestyle, or any job you can find to cover your bills. Even if you are not switching jobs, the upcoming open enrollment for health insurance offers another opportunity to take […]

THE COUPLE first spotted the sinuous sofa in the lobby of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in the 1970s. There on a family trip from New York, they couldn’t get the curved 17.5-foot sectional—a $25,000 piece tufted in segments like a caterpillar and named “Non Stop” by Swiss furniture […]

Many people can expect their hometown holiday events to look a little different this year amidst concerns over the spread of COVID-19, but some traditions will remain the same. With some adjusting, holiday plans are moving forward in Oakley. “We will proceed with the Hometown Halloween and Christmas decorating contests,” […]

Although the current job market is ‘tricky’ there are still opportunities out there. Photo: Getty Changing jobs is never an easy task, but it’s particularly difficult now. The UK is facing a huge economic downturn because of coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdown, with unemployment predicted to spike at 2.5 million […]

Online software platform ScriptHop has introduced an online tool for Hollywood to allow writers to share their screenplays more securely and retain more influence over the overall process of submitting a script. The Packet aims to move away from artificial intelligence and instead get actual people at agencies and studios […]

Q: I recently flew from Florence to London on Vueling Airlines with three companions before the pandemic. We had booked the tickets through an online agency called Fareobuddy.com. A Vueling agent denied us boarding, claiming that we were supposed to have been on a previous flight. But that was impossible. […]

The outbreak of the coronavirus has dealt a shock to the global economy with unprecedented speed. Following are developments Friday related to the national and global response, the work place and the spread of the virus. ________________________ RETAIL: — Clothing company Express has reopened about 95% of its stores as […]

They need to give you their feedback and have interaction with you–as nicely as different travel goers. Provide them with a branded group and profit by listening to direct suggestions from them, in real-time. Engage with your target audience in a branded neighborhood to uncover new ideas. Beyond ease of […]

Getty Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield. After watching the viral video of New York Giants legend Michael Strahan fixing his famous tooth gap, Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield teased that he could be next to make a modification in his mouth. Mayfield has a slight gap that is nowhere near the […]

Advertiser Disclosure: At Slickdeals, we work hard to find the best deals. Some products in our articles are from partners who may provide us with compensation, but this doesn’t change our opinions. It turns out that even a worldwide pandemic can’t keep people from falling in love and tying the […]

For the first week of my remote internship last summer, I had no idea of what most of my colleagues looked like.  The only connection I had to them was through their profile photos –– and at the time, all of them were the Black Lives Matter logo. My social […]

Donna Speciale’s recent return to the business of selling TV advertising might be the most obvious hint that Madison Avenue is eager to get back to normal after a year of coronavirus chaos. Too bad that won’t be possible. Speciale is a veteran ad executive with hard-won experience on both […]

HAPPY TUESDAY! Welcome to Overnight Energy, The Hill’s roundup of the latest energy and environment news. Please send tips and comments to Rebecca Beitsch at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter: @rebeccabeitsch. Reach Rachel Frazin at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter: @RachelFrazin. Sign up for our newsletter and others HERE.  […]

Feb. 17—The city of Moscow should be able to save thousands of dollars in unpaid utility bills by tenants and in the staff time used to manage the process after the City Council’s action Tuesday night. Moscow loses $41,250 on average each year in unpaid bills and staff time and […]